View Full Version : Printing weapons

12-13-2012, 22:04

The gun-control debate just got hotter.

12-14-2012, 00:04
I was fortunate to listen to Mr. Paul Saffo, a futurologist from Stanford University about a month ago. He spoke about this to a very large group of influential businessmen during a Summit.

While many businessmen in such a summit were largely unimpressed or uninterested (The weapons nidustry isn't exactly a popular business around here), Mr. Saffo's warning was clear: Technology such as 3D printers will transform the way we produce and distribute products, from toys to weapons.

Its particularly dangerous because the equipment, while expensive for the average citizen (usually each printer is running at about 100k a piece), is not inaccessible for organizations with private funding and bad intentions... and its only going to get cheaper. This could revolutionize the way companies mass produce things.

Sure, it can't do the ammo just yet, but it facilitates a potential terrorist's smuggling from "I need weapons and ammo" to "I need ammo".

Scary, scary stuff.