View Full Version : Service connected disability and Social Security

08-21-2012, 19:25
I didn't know this


Inflexible Six
08-22-2012, 14:26
Yes, sir, if you are service-connected you can apply for SSD benefits. It doesn't matter what a person's VA percentage is, they can and should apply to SSD because it's permitted to collect both. No guarantee they will get both, as the two have different criteria, but it's worth the trouble. (I would note here that SSD has a habit of ignoring initial evidence and summarily denying benefits...but then approving them on appeal.)

During the Bush Administration there was a committee headed by a retired general looking into the matter of possibly limiting veterans to collecting either one or the other...but when news of it got around there was such an upswell of anger from veteran's groups that the matter died quietly. It will probably come up again at some time in the future, so it's wise for service-connected veterans to apply for it while it's available. Then if it ever gets overturned those collecting it will be grandfathered in.

12-27-2012, 17:22
Is anybody in the same boat as me?

I turn 62 in about a year. I get retired pay and 50% CRSC. Will I draw Social Security on top of my DFAS and VA pay? :munchin

12-27-2012, 18:01
...I would note here that SSD has a habit of ignoring initial evidence and summarily denying benefits...but then approving them on appeal...

I was advised of this exact thing earlier today while discussing my options for staying or being medically retired.

I will be filing for SSD and my TSGLI in the coming week with hopes it just goes through given my injuries.