View Full Version : My Duty

10-12-2004, 13:20

The 2004 Presidential election is upon us and I intend to exercise my right as an American citizen and cast my vote on November 2, 2004. That is the only thing I can legally do to influence who will be our leader for the next four years. One thing I know for sure; I will not cast a vote against any one person because I just hate that individual, nor will I cast my precious vote for a person just because I like the way he looks or talks. I will cast my Freedom’s Gift for the political philosophy which I feel will better serve the country I love and have sacrificed for.

“My country tis of thee, sweet land of Liberty”, Liberty is for all, the Rich, the Poor, the educated and the un-educated, regardless of race, color, sex or age. The brave men who founded this great nation formed a country based on the rights of individuals to have the liberty to become anything they wanted without Government infringement. I have been a student of history all my life and have faith in the adage, “If we do not learn from history we are bound to repeat it” Every nation that ever existed under a form of Democracy has eventually fallen because they slipped from a democracy into Socialism, and they fell. When a Government tries to run every aspect of the citizen’s life, it becomes Socialistic and will eventually fall. I lived as a dedicated Democrat from age 21 to age 43, and I saw my beloved Democratic Party slip from a Democratic Philosophy to one of Socialistic ideas. I believe in the individual right to earn your way in this life and in this country. Our Constitution does not guarantee happiness, only the right to pursue happiness and that is an individual right, given to us by our Creator. Government hand-outs do nothing but make a society dependent upon the government for everything and one which expects the Government to provide for our needs. That is not a political philosophy I could ever support.

I will cast my vote on November 2, 2004 for the candidate who challenges the American people to be the best they can be and not for a candidate who promises more than he can ever deliver. I will vote for the man who can best lead the most powerful army in the world against all enemies, foreign or domestic, the man who already has the trust, confidence and loyalty of those who are fighting for our freedoms all over the world. I will vote for the man who demonstrates his resolve, makes unpopular decisions because they are right, and carries through on the decisions. I will vote for the man who is not ashamed of his spiritual convictions and not afraid to show his love for a Supreme Being and his willingness to ask for help from a power higher than man. I will vote for George W. Bush, and hope you, putting all the rhetoric behind, will too.
