View Full Version : July 4th...........

07-01-2012, 11:26
Anonymous Quote:

Nearly Two Hundred and Thirty-Six years ago, a group of ordinary men for distinctly different areas, backgrounds and social status, sat in a hot, humid building in Philadelphia and signed a document that was "heard around the world," our Declaration of Independence, they pledged their "life, liberty and sacred honor" with the full knowledge that they would "surly hang separately or hang together".

Pledging one's life, or liberty is not a new idea, but to pledge one's honor, that unique concept that there is something more important than one's self. To die or to be imprisoned is on par with loss of one's integrity. Those men in Philadelphia were ordinary men soaring to extraordinary heights and should be remembered this week for their willingness to suffer all in The name of freedom.

Maybe this generations chance has come to match the contributions of these fifty-five men of courage and honor, maybe this Fourth of July, we will have the courage to dedicate ourselves to restoring their dream, working to rid America of another "King" and his "henchmen". If we start now, this "King's Yorktown" will be in four months and not seven years. We can throw the yoke of this oppressor not with bullets or cannon, but with organization, with truth, with a willingness to lead, as we were trained to do, the oppressed out of oppression.

Remember in 1776, only 34% of the people wanted independence, 34% were loyal to the king, and the other 32% didn't care. In 1783, the percentages were nearly the same, only the Constitution changed the minds of a majority of the people, the document that limited government power, that gave power to the states and people, that ensured their liberties. That same document is under assault today, by an administration the regards it as a "hindrance," that despises its limitations to its Imperial power that would rather rule by Regal Degree or Fascist Fiat, that does not respect the rule of law, only its insatiable quest for complete power to control our lives, our property, our destiny.

November 6th our generations Fourth of July, our December 7th, it is our Alamo, Pearl Harbor, and WTC combined. We will restore America to her extraordinary place leading the free world, or allow this crowd of miscreants, tax cheats, Fascists, and fools to make America just another squalid third world country under the "guidance of the UN" good only to provide her assets, food and technology to those more deserving, more needy.

That is our choice, sacred honor or complete obedience for under the "New World Order Plan" of this administration there is no middle ground........:mad:

Big Teddy :munchin