View Full Version : This sums it up for me.

03-16-2012, 15:56
‎"The Taliban killed 13 women and children today with an IED in Uruzgan and I think they got 8 yesterday - but that's all cool here because they're the Taliban and we're the big fat retarded kid on the block who gets bullied everyday but still shows up to fork over even more lunch money while assuming at some point everyone will like us because we're soooo generous." ~ Anonymous Marine in Afghanistan.

03-16-2012, 16:07
Just another good reason to get out before we lose valuable young tigers to a cause which don't mean shit to these people anymore.....:mad:

Big Teddy :munchin

03-16-2012, 17:45
Haaa, yeah, the hypocracy is oozing everywhere. yup, we're the bad guys that are trying to turn around a 13th century country...better the lives of citizens, bring women into the 20th century ( I know we're in the 21st, but ya gotta start somewhere)...education, industry, local/national....baaaahhh, who needs that when ya got warlords...and Taliban

yeah, that's it. I say take our ball and every thing else and come home. there's not enough to save over there...

03-16-2012, 19:29
‎"The Taliban killed 13 women and children today with an IED in Uruzgan and I think they got 8 yesterday - but that's all cool here because they're the Taliban and we're the big fat retarded kid on the block who gets bullied everyday but still shows up to fork over even more lunch money while assuming at some point everyone will like us because we're soooo generous." ~ Anonymous Marine in Afghanistan.

Yup, It's past time to go.