View Full Version : Who'd be a dustman in Cairo? ..........

07-28-2011, 06:06
Who'd be a dustman in Cairo? Revolting pictures of piled-up rubbish give Egyptian capital label of Garbage City

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2019390/Whod-dustman-Cairo-Revolting-pictures-piled-rubbish-Egyptian-capital-label-Garbage-City.html#ixzz1TOv2ZKP6

"With mountains of rubbish towering over children and endless bin bags bulging from high-rise flats, these are the shocking images that show Cairo's 'Garbage City' - where thousands of Egyptians live amongst piles of stinking rubbish.............."

Ya got to read the full story because it's not what you think. This is the "recycle" area of town.

07-28-2011, 08:29
Was in Cairo in '85 during Operation Bright Star. Garbage, flies, filth, etc. it has got to be one of the dirtiest places I've ever seen. Some of those pictures of their recycling "storage areas" don't look much better than the regular areas of the city. The only nice parts were the tourist areas.

07-28-2011, 08:30
Haven't ever been there but it doesn't look like fun. Have a friend who went there. He said it was covered with flies and smelled like piss...

07-28-2011, 08:33
I'd do it if the per diem's good enough...:D

07-28-2011, 18:18
At least all their trash is in bags. Have you seen Bagdad?