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The Reaper
05-19-2011, 10:58
Check out the latest SW Mag, and the plans for the new campus.

Very impressive committment.


05-19-2011, 12:55
From one working in the white house...see what's missing? Adequate parking...as usual.

The Reaper
05-19-2011, 13:13
From one working in the white house...see what's missing? Adequate parking...as usual.

Two new parking decks in the plans. Probably never be built.

The Engineers tell me that the DA standard is 60 spaces for every 100 occupants in the building, waiverable to 80:100. No consideration for guests.

How many people do you know that carpool to Bragg?

The new 3rd Group HQs has IIRC, six spaces because they forgot, and then the wouldn't fit into the available space. And the old Group HQs is going to be given to the GSB, and it already had inadequate parking.


05-19-2011, 13:29
SF Museum moving again? Small as it is it would fit in a tiny corner of any of them buildings.

05-19-2011, 13:55
The NCO academy is out at Mackall? Wow...things must have changed out there significantly since 2001.

05-19-2011, 14:35
It was kinda' nice back in the old days when we were over here, and they were over there, them guys were at the other place, etc, etc, etc.

Mightly condensed area - a target rich environment you might say - for some folks.

CSMs, folks, CSMs. What were you thinking?

05-19-2011, 14:45
Very impressive looking plans!

05-19-2011, 14:49
At least the parking is in the rear of the building, and 18 months after completed a savvy Master Planner can program an expansion to the existing lot.

05-19-2011, 15:03
Two new parking decks in the plans. Probably never be built.

The Engineers tell me that the DA standard is 60 spaces for every 100 occupants in the building, waiverable to 80:100. No consideration for guests.

How many people do you know that carpool to Bragg?



10% of available parking will be designated as handicapped ;)

05-19-2011, 15:20
CSMs, folks, CSMs. What were you thinking?

Sadly...that's exactly what I was thinking as I had to send out an email today reminding people that although DOTD is the coolest place to work...we still have to abide by Army grooming standards...and yes, we do walk right under the flagpole everyday going to work.

My first mass warning about haircuts...a part of me died today.

05-19-2011, 15:49
At least someone FINALLY got smart and decided to build a multistory parking deck. That's EXACTLY what is needed as USASOC.