View Full Version : White? Male? Bullying victim? You're SOL, Sez DOJ

03-18-2011, 21:13

The viral video sensation showing a bullying incident at an Australian school has brought the issue of bullying back into the spotlight. Here in the United States, the Obama administration has made school bullying a federal issue. Last week, President Barack Obama addressed an anti-bullying conference with First Lady Michelle Obama at his side. The administration's anti-bullying campaign has been ongoing since the beginning of Mr. Obama's term. The Department of Justice announced in December 2010 its intention to hold liable school districts that fail to protect students that are bullied.

DOJ’s website states:

The Civil Rights Division and the entire Justice Department are committed to ending bullying and harassment in schools, and the video highlights the Department’s authority to enforce federal laws that protect students from discrimination and harassment at school because of their race, national origin, disability, religion, and sex, including harassment based on nonconformity with gender stereotypes.

The statement later says:

The enforcement of the Equal Protection Clause, Title IV of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 in school districts is a top priority of the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division. Additional information is available at the Civil Rights Division’s Educational Opportunities Section website at www.justice.gov/crt/edo/.

Here is the catch. DOJ will only investigate bullying cases if the victim is considered protected under the 1964 Civil Rights legislation. In essence, only discrimination of the victim’s race, color, religion, or sex will be considered by DOJ. The overweight straight white male who is verbally and/or physically harassed because of his size can consider himself invisible to the Justice Department.

Apparently, the Justice Department is going by George Orwell’s famous Animal Farm ending: “All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others.”

“We can only take action where we have legal authority,” wrote DOJ spokeswoman Xochitl Hinojosa in a December 2010 e-mail to The Washington Times Water Cooler. She continues:

“As stated in the website below, we are statutorily authorized to initiate suits under Title IV of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Equal Educational Opportunities Act of 1974, and under Title III of the American with Disabilities Act. More information on the Civil Rights Act, Equal Educational Opportunities Act, and the ADA can be found here:

http://www.justice.gov/crt/edo/faq.php#3 "

The Justice Department’s anti-bullying initiative is tantamount to bringing hate crime legislation to the public school system. Obviously, not only is the heterosexual white male student out of luck but inner city minority students lose out in this deal too.

If a schoolyard bully is a straight black male and his target is another straight black male where does that leave the victim in the eyes of Attorney General Eric Holder? What about two female students of the same sexual orientation and race? Is the victim in the latter situation considered to be less equal in the eyes of Obama’s Justice Department than a minority student who is picked on by a heterosexual white male student with no disabilities?

Unfortunately, the Justice Department is politicizing its priorities yet again. One must wonder why the administration believes it should be micro managing local school districts bullying problems. When the Justice Department is more interested in making ideological statements through seemingly sugar coated campaigns, no one should feel protected.

EX-Gold Falcon
03-18-2011, 22:27
An interesting point of view concerning this incident:

Casey acquires fan club:

A tribute to a gentle giant who had enough

The kids recording the incident were looking to humiliate what they thought would be an easy target. They thought, “We’ve done this for years. Why haven’t we made his humiliation reach a wider audience?” “Imagine how awesome our friends will think we are.” “This will be great! He won’t fight back, we are clearly his betters.”

But the gods were listening.

So they approached him, surrounded him. Thought to contain him. Their first mistake.

So it began in earnest. Taunting came first, it always does. What was it this time? “Ginger”? “Fatty”? Whatever it was, we know it now as “Their Second Mistake.”

The gods were listening.

“Step it up to violence,” they thought. A foolish youth came forward and grabbed him by the collar. More taunting. A strike to the head.

The youth displayed supreme confidence. He could taste his victim’s humiliation. He even toyed with his victim when they had the audacity to raise a hand to ward off blows. His friends, out of sight, jeered and cheered on their youthful champion. Their golden child.

The camera was running, the youth was giving a show. He danced a little, jabbed at his victim. He wanted more than physical dominance, he wanted to break him down psychologically. It was cruel. It was vile. It was hubris.

It was their last mistake.

With a speed born of many torturous years, Casey lunged. Catching the bully off guard, he closed the gap between them and encircled him with his mighty hands, hefting the arrogant youth and holding him aloft in the sky, completely helpless.

With the might and wrath worthy of Zeus did Casey hurl his malefactor back to the earth like a thunderbolt, burying him in a pile of his own shame and arrogance.

The gods heard.

The ground trembled. The youthful arrogance that rang out only moments before became stunned silence. This hallway was Casey’s arena. His opponent lay defeated in the sand. The silence was his great cheering mob.

It was deafening.

As he circled his defeated abuser, Casey displayed a restraint that convinced one and all that this was not beginner’s luck. If his opponent didn’t thank the gods for their mercy, he should. Casey could just have easily laid waste to his face with a mighty boot at any time.

It would have been justified.

Casey faced what remained of his tormentors, hands at his sides. Casey was no longer a victim. With a look that promised them all destruction and a trip to the underworld, they knew the fight was done.

Casey, the only man present, walked away.

Dustin Saldivar



03-19-2011, 00:08
Nice work kid.

03-19-2011, 00:52
I was bullied before in elementary school and didn't fight back. When I went to high school, there was this tall kid who used to mess with me. Back then I was already practicing Taekwondo with national/international level athletes and so I said to myself "WTF?" and just bitch slapped that guy in the face in front of everyone. He threatened to meet me after school but nothing came of it and ever since that moment, I didn't have any problems. Good job on the guy smashing some common sense into the bully prick.

03-19-2011, 06:50
Actually, it should say, "You're SOL, Sez Kerry Picket."

The DOJ's civil rights division is charged with monitoring and investigating such matters specifically IAW federal civil rights legislation - but - that does not mean it does not monitor and prosecute others as well despite the article's claims, and the article fails to mention the other agencies involved specifically with the issue of bullying in schools which come under:

The Dept of Education:


StopBullying.Gov (a federally focused multi-departmental task force whose sole mandate is to deal with bullying in schools)


Not news in the news...or not the whole news in the news, anyway.

Richard :munchin

03-19-2011, 11:41
Another reason not to pick on the fat kid, after all he is bigger than you are, this may turn out badly!!!!!


03-19-2011, 18:32
Bullying is probably worse these days because of the lack of "equalizers".

Pulled a knife on a group of troublesome 4th graders when in the 2nd grade.
Knives were confiscated by the old man, but the problems ceased.

Refused to be subject to hazing.
Cold-blooded, ruthless violence was an effective deterrent, and it encouraged other potential hazing victims to do the same.

Led the mockery/taunting of would-be clique leaders and fostered rebellions against arbitrary social hierarchies until reaching majority.
Cliques became non-existant during the last 2 years of high school.

Administrators and teachers generally tolerated such actions, provided their authority wasn't openly challenged.
It's too bad that "zero-tolerance" policies have become the norm.

Probably get jailed or thrown in the psyche ward if I were a kid these days.

Probably should've used the term "retaliator" instead of "equalizer".
(In the game theory sense of hawk, dove, bully, retaliator)