View Full Version : Day of Decision

07-18-2004, 14:27

Never, in the history of the United States, have the voters turned an incumbent President out of office in the midst of a war. The American people have always known the danger of replacing a President when he and his administration were engaged in an armed conflict. We will soon be facing just such a decision and those on the Left are attempting to tell the American people that this is the wise thing to do, but history has shown them to be wrong again.

Harry Truman was President at the end of World War II and it was he who directed the use of Atomic bombs to end the war with Japan. He was then the President during the “Police Action” in Korea, but ended his Presidential reign while the fighting was still going on, not because he was voted out, but because he had served his two terms. Eisenhower was sworn in as President in January, 1953 and on July 27, 1953 an Armistice was signed, ending the hostilities in Korea.

The war in Vietnam began when John F. Kennedy ordered Advisors to South Vietnam for the purpose of supporting the South Vietnamese Army. After his assassination, Lyndon Johnson was the President during the majority of the Vietnam War. He made the decision not to run for another term as President and Richard Nixon was elected. Presidential changes were made twice during the Vietnam War, but none of the Presidents were voted out of office.

War is a serious business and requires the sitting President to exercise his duties as the Commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces. When a war is already in progress, it makes no sense to change horses in mid-stream. The learning curve required to bring a new team onboard would be disastrous. The present Administration has done a superlative job with the war on terror and their decision to make Iraq the second major battle of this war was absolutely the right thing to do. Would it have been better to allow Saddam Hussein to continue in power and continually face the threat of his using or selling WMD to terrorist?

Just who is our enemy in Iraq? Is it the Iraqi people or a conglomeration of Islamic terrorist from all over the Middle East, melded together to oppose the establishment of a Free Iraq? I think all Americans know the answer to this but are allowing themselves to be blinded by the political rhetoric of the Left, whose only goal is to regain power, and their pursuit of power has replaced the concern for the safety and security of our country.

Regardless of our political affiliation, we cannot afford to change leadership while the ship is in motion. Be practical, not political, and think seriously about the country before you make a decision that could affect our future.


07-20-2004, 06:45
I like Bush and will vote for him.

But I am not inclined to vote for anyone just because we are at war.

07-20-2004, 08:33
If we are at war and there is a leader in the White House that our troops on the ground respect and trust, as an "Old Soldier", I would certainly vote to keep that leader rather than turn our military over to someone whose background is questionable as far as the Military is conderned, and who has stated his deswire to place our military under the United Nations. I prefer a Commander-in-Chief who is willing to say: "Bring it On!" rather than one who says: "Let's sit down and talk about this." I like everything about Bush and would vote for him war or no war, but I am really glad he is in the office at this time and want him to be able to finish what he began.
