View Full Version : Chechen chief blames CIA

09-26-2009, 10:39
Interesting logic regarding the pocket litter that id'd the insurgent as being supported by the CIA.


MOSCOW (Reuters) – The Kremlin-backed chief of Russia's turbulent Chechnya region said his forces were fighting U.S. and British intelligence services who want to split the country apart, according to an interview published Thursday.

Former rebel-turned-Moscow-ally Ramzan Kadyrov said in comments to Zavtra newspaper reprinted on his official website that he had seen the U.S. driving license of a CIA operative who was killed in a security operation he led.

Chechen authorities have previously said insurgents following the radical Wahabist form of Islam receive support from international Islamist groups sympathetic to al-Qaeda, but have not accused the West of instigating violence.

"We're fighting in the mountains with the American and English intelligence agencies. They are fighting not against Kadyrov, not against traditional Islam, they are fighting against the sovereign Russian state," he said.

The West sought to attack both Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and the country as a whole by targeting the country's weakest regions, Kadyrov said in the comments republished prominently on www.chechnya.gov.ru.

Kadyrov was appointed by Moscow as a bulwark against separatist rebels in the mainly Muslim province, but rights activists say he flouts federal laws and is himself responsible for much of the violence that has grown in recent months.

"The West is interested to cut off the Caucasus from Russia. The Caucasus - a strategic frontier of Russia. If they take away the Caucasus from Russia, it's like taking away half of Russia."

Many Chechens have emigrated to Europe, Turkey, and Georgia and some have been recruited as insurgents, said Kadyrov.

"Now they strike a blow against Putin and Russia. Chechnya, Dagestan are weak, vulnerable parts of the Russian state," Kadyrov said, referring to the neighboring region, which has also been rocked by violence.

Asked if he was saying there were signs of CIA and MI6 participation in the violence, he said "Of course," he had seen evidence of their direct involvement in an operation he led.

"There was a terrorist Chitigov, he worked for the CIA. He had U.S. citizenship...When we killed him, I was in charge of the operation and we found a U.S. driving license and all the other documents were also American," he said.


According to the Russian newspaper Kommersant (http://www.kommersant.com/page.asp?id=557201), Rizvan left Chechnya during Perestroika and enlisted in the Marine Corps. Take it for what it's worth.


Here's part of Kadryov's interview (from the ref'd site above):


А.П. Скажите, Рамзан, чем объясняется нынешнее обострение на Кавказе? После длительного периода затишья опять всё закипело, задымилось. Чуть ли не новая война. Что за причина?

Р.К. Нынешнее положение в Ингушетии, Дагестане - это не обострение. Просто силовые структуры ранее действовали недостаточно и оставили бандитов в покое. Те окрепли, к ним вновь из-за рубежа хлынули деньги. Они пользуются кризисом. Вот, например, между Ингушетией и Чечней находятся сёла, которые не принадлежат ни Ингушетии, ни Чечне. Я говорил: там находятся подразделения бандитов, там их логово. Но долгое время меня не слушали. Теперь я договорился с Президентом Ингушетии, мы добрались до этих сел и стали добивать бандитов. У них не осталось ни боеприпасов, ни продовольствия. Вчера явился от них парень, двадцать один год. Он говорит: у них настрой убежать оттуда. Их полевые командиры заявили, что от Кадырова больше не будет прощения, не будет амнистии, он уничтожит всех до конца.

Тем, которые провинились, на ком кровь, - им дают наркотические таблетки, зомбируют, и они идут себя взрывать. Что взрывать, кого взрывать - не понимают. Увидят милицейскую форму, подбегают и взрываются. Всё это дело рук Запада. Мусульманский мир им не помогает, есть отдельные люди, которые посылают пять-десять тысяч долларов, но это не деньги. Основные склады ещё советского оружия находятся в Грузии, в Азербайджане. Все стволы и боеприпасы идут к бандитам оттуда. Еще недавно оттуда валом шел героин, а теперь тротил, автоматы. Запад заинтересован отсечь Кавказ от России. Кавказ - стратегический рубеж России. Заберут у России Кавказ, считай, отобрали половину России. В свое время американцы создали Бен Ладена, научили его искусству терроризма. Теперь к нам забрасываются группы иностранцев. Это не "борцы за свободу", - это блестяще обученные террористы. Мы воюем в горах с американскими и английскими спецслужбами. Они сражаются не против Кадырова, не против традиционного ислама, они сражаются против суверенного Российского государства. Путин объединил Россию, вырвал ее из хаоса, удалил Березовского, Гусинского, Ходорковского. Все у них отобрал. Разве они простили ему? Теперь по Путину, по России наносится новый удар. Чечня, Дагестан - слабые, уязвимые звенья в Российском государстве. А некоторые русские не понимают. Говорят, чеченцы - все террористы, мусульмане - все террористы. Путин прямо сказал: у террористов нет религии, нет национальности. Много чеченцев осело в Европе, в Турции, в Грузии. Именно из них вербуются террористы, забрасываются к нам. Ничего у них не получится. Мы знаем о них все, у нас есть оперативная информация, где у них в горах схроны, где базы. Нам нужен месяц, полтора - и мы их разгромим. Мы свою территорию американцам не отдадим. Мы должны жить в едином доме, который зовется Россия. Наш важнейший политический успех в том, что таково убеждение всего нашего народа.

А.П. Вы хотите сказать, что здесь обнаружены следы ЦРУ, Ми-6?

Р.К. Ну конечно. Был такой террорист Читигов, работал в ЦРУ. У него было американское гражданство. Он был бригадным генералом у Хаттаба. Когда мы его уничтожили - я руководил тогда операцией, - у него обнаружили автомобильные права американские, все остальные документы были американские.

09-26-2009, 11:30
"We are fighting in the mountains against American and British special services."

Richard's $.02 :munchin

Kadyrov says he is waiting for revelation from above, to expose a spy
KavKazCenter, 25 Sep 2009

Apostate gang leader Kadyrov specified to “Zavtra” newspaper his version of reasons for continuation of fighting in the mountains of Chechnya.

While before he claimed that “fighters” hold out due to special drugs, which are supplied by the Americans and British, now Kadyrov declared, that special services of USA and Britain deploy the actual “terrorists” to Chechnya.

“Main depots of Soviet weapons are in Georgia and Azerbaijan, from where it is supplied to fighters” – said Kadyrov.

“Now, groups of foreigners are deployed to us. These are not freedom fighters, these are brilliantly trained terrorists. We are fighting in the mountains against American and British special services. They are not fighting against Kadyrov, not against traditional Islam, they are fighting against the sovereign state of Russia” – declared Kadyrov in his latest version.

It will be recalled, that a few days ago Kadyrov claimed that “fighters are people who are resentful of their fate, who were turned into zombies with drugs”.

He also claimed, that he “took a vacation in order to personally take part in fighting them”.

Earlier, two of his assistants – Magomed Hambiev (former CRI defense minister) and Shaa Turlaev (former head of CRI president Maskhadov’s guard), who took the side of Russian infidels, were also sent to mountains to fight against Mujahideen.

After the claim, that in the mountains of Chechnya there are not simple “fighters” (drug addicts, zombies and people resentful of their fate as claimed earlier) but rather “terrorists, brilliantly trained by western special services”, Kadyrov declared another version for the fact, why Mujahideen can not be defeated.

He said to Russian journalists, that he “does not rule out, that in his midst there is someone, helping Dokku Umarov”.

“I myself think about this a lot. These thoughts are killing me. I am waiting for an insight which will come not from inside, but from outside, from above”, - said Kadyrov in an interview to “Zavtra” newspaper, about his anticipation for a divine revelation, which will help to expose the Mujahideen spy.

“Why do they always get away, we did surround him many times?! We shot his close suite and thought he was among the dead. But he wasn’t. Three days ago we carried out an operation, secret one, without success, as if there was a leak”, - complained the puppet leader.

In the interview to “Zavtra” newspaper, the leader of Chechen murtadeen also told about his Kremlin supervisor. Curator happens to be Vladislav Surkov, who also acts as a personal psychiatrist for Kadyrov.

According to the apostate, it is Surkov who always helps him with advice and calms him in difficult situations. After dialogs with Surkov, Kadyrov always comes out confident in himself and calm.

“Vladislav Yurivich is a strategist, he knows all difficulties in state politics, all its kitchen. He often helps me with advice. When I am tired, when I am irritated, saddened, I go to him. He listens to me and so calmly, delicately, lightly explains to me the hardships of the moment, and I calm down”, - Kadyrov said.


09-27-2009, 19:30
I guess nobody told him that we are killing Chechens in Afghanistan who came there to kill Americans.

09-27-2009, 20:52
I guess nobody told him that we are killing Chechens in Afghanistan who came there to kill Americans.

And supporting them in Bosnia when they came there to kill Serbs. Not much surprises me anymore.

And so it goes...:munchin