View Full Version : DOD Security Clearance Handbook

09-18-2009, 09:30

This may answer many of the questions that keep coming up. Also note the 2008 Memorandum that discusses new policy on reporting Mental Health counseling.

12-05-2009, 22:06
Thank you for posting this info, I really appreciate it. I read every word on each attachment. Maybe TS could make this a sticky on a thread since we see so many repetitve requests for info. Again thanks.

Steve S
05-20-2014, 19:32
The link in the original post no longer works. I am not sure what the link used to go to, but this seems like the right place for me to share some DOD security clearance resources I have collected.

The first resource is Title 32, Part 147 (http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/CFR-2011-title32-vol1/xml/CFR-2011-title32-vol1-part147.xml), which is the ADJUDICATIVE GUIDELINES FOR DETERMINING ELIGIBILITY FOR ACCESS TO CLASSIFIED INFORMATION. These guidelines are described as follows:

"The following adjudicative guidelines are established for all United States Government civilian and military personnel, consultants, contractors, employees of contractors, licensees, certificate holders or grantees and their employees and other individuals who require access to classified information. They apply to persons being considered for initial or continued eligibility for access to classified information, to include sensitive compartmented information and special access programs and are to be used by government departments and agencies in all final clearance determinations."

Basically these are the guidelines that you will be evaluated against when you submit your clearance paperwork. Reading the guidelines will give you a good idea whether you will be able to get a clearance or not.

The second resource is INDUSTRIAL SECURITY CLEARANCE DECISIONS (http://www.dod.mil/dodgc/doha/industrial/) from the Defense Office of Hearings and Appeals (DOHA). These are court decisions that talk about clearances getting granted or denied for DOD contractors. Not sure how this related to the clearance decisions for active duty military, but it still makes for some interesting reading.

Hopefully people find these resources useful.

