View Full Version : Son Tay Raid

11-22-2008, 10:08


11-22-2008, 16:26


11-23-2008, 14:42
Richard's "Ivory Coast" posts reflect this greatly. As someone who was in SF training, it was a very "heady" time. "We" had gone into the heart of the enemy. It caused me to look at SF as a very valuable, almost "invulnerable" tool in the US arsenal (Hey, I was young and impressionable). There was nothing I aspired to more than being an SF trooper. That I had an opportunity to pursue such a dream as an enlistee was beyond my ability to comprehend. All these years later, I look back in wonder that I was able to interact with people who could carry out such activities. It was, and is, an honor.

11-25-2008, 00:00
Have to agree, Zonie. It was something to meet guys involved with the Bay of Pigs, catching Che, Son Tay and singular acts of incredible heroism that will never be known to the public. The importance of these events to a young buck sergeant just out of training group is immeasurable. Probably the most important thing learned is that anything is possible when properly planned, trained and executed. This is one of the things that separates SF from the rest. When approached with an idea for a mission that makes anyone else think, "Holy Shit! No effin' way!", an SF guy thinks, "Well, I am going to need so and so, and we will need a lot of such and such to get this done." Not that there aren't mission impossibles out there but if it can be done, we can plan it, train for it and carry it out...

11-25-2008, 10:20

11-25-2008, 10:35
Zonie / Mark: Right on ...

I entered active duty in July 1970, and when TF Ivory Coast went down in November, I was at AIT. It was one of the events of the time that made me seek SF as soon as I was qualified. That turned out to be 1975. I suspect more than a few of the 1970'sera SF candidates were motivated in part by the Son Tay Raid.

11-25-2008, 11:43
Zonie/Mark, I was out of the service when all that went down, but I'm proud of you guys.....You both personified what SF is really all about........