View Full Version : January 21, 2010

11-10-2008, 22:18
As the 'One', the 'Messiah', Egobama, the 'Anointed One', BHO, takes the oath of office for POTUS, on 21Jan09, post up what you see will happen (or NOT happen) in his first year as CinC.

Then we'll revisit this thread in one years time, and see what has come pass, or not.

BHO will close Gitmo and send most of the detainees back to their homes. The ones that he doesn't send back, will be released into general populations here within our prison systems.

The military will take a BIG hit, and not see the funds it needs, to stay ready.

Wall street will fall below 5000.

The economy will struggle to regain what it is at now today.

Taxes will increase 15 fold.

There will be a major terrorist attack on US interests over seas. There might even be one here on US soil, but I don't think AQ can recover that quickly to carry one out here, but it WILL happen within his term.

BHO will face legal action presented against him with his non-disclosure of his Birth certificate.

11-11-2008, 00:48
Race relations will reverse 25 years instantly. The bailout will be further increased to the trillions. Debt will be rampant and the economy will take its biggest hit yet. We havent seen shit.

11-29-2008, 21:15
After Gitmo is closed down, the remaining detainees that are not released to a third country or their country of origin, will be transferred to Ft. Chaffee, Arkansas. The post has the infrastructure for jail/prison left over from the time Jimmy Carter accepted the Mariel Boat Lift folks from Fidel Castro. The facilities will have to be updated to accommodate Muslims, but that is relatively inexpensive.

11-29-2008, 21:28
The Dow will continue lower. After a fast rally that rips the face off those who shorted it, it will continue the downtrend. Dow 5500 may hold.

The dollar will remain high for a time. Despite inflationary action by the Fed and the Treasury, the U.S. will continue to represent a safe haven for money. Gold will drift higher.

Oil will start going up again to around $100 per bbl, putting gasoline at $3 per gallon.

Taxes will go higher. The Assault Weapon Ban will be re-instituted.

Global terrorism will expand. Pakistan will devolve into a failed state.

The U.S. military will be deployed to Africa, partly to counterbalance Chinese efforts in the area.

Crime will increase. Illegal immigration will increase.

Unemployment will hit 10%. U6 unemployment, which includes those working part-time who desire full-time work and cannot find it, will exceed 20%.

Housing foreclosures will remain high as more workers lose their jobs.

11-29-2008, 21:57
B-Ho won't make good on all the hope and change he promised, many of his followers will become disenchanted.

The Dems and B-Ho will pervert the Constitution and the Bill of Rights to the extent that you won't recognize a year from now.

He will close GITMO and move the prisoners to US soil where they will educate the imates in the ways of JiHad.

At least one assassination attempt.

Illegal immigration will be at an all time high.

The economy will tank, FHA and credit card lenders will need a bailout, unemployment will reach a new high, foreclosures and backruptcy will soar, fuel will inch it way back up, crime will increase nationwide, soup lines will become a way of life for many and the US will begin to resemble a third world country.

Russia and China will flex their muscle. A major terrorist attack on US soil.

George Soros will make billions from our tumble.

11-29-2008, 23:15
Agreed with the Gitmo prisoners.

I believe everything that goes wrong for the first year will be blamed on President GWB.

11-30-2008, 00:45
Tax, tax and more tax. Any of his failures will be somehow blamed on the Republicans. Facts and logic will have no place in this accusation, as he will continue to appeal to the emotions of the foolish.

11-30-2008, 01:21
The Dow will continue to sink.

After the caital gains tax is increased un-employment will reach Jimmy Carter levels.

When the assault weapons ban is re-established, crime rates will sky rocket.

When his first term begins to fail, minorities will blame angry-white-males and spark race riots.

In the eyes of many, his term in office must succeed. Prepare yourselves for the most overwhelming propaganda campain in modern history.

Pete S
11-30-2008, 01:30
BHO's New "New Deal."
Extensive military cuts and downsizing.

Inexpierenced BHO will be pushed around on the world stage.

Russia will project more power towards the west.
Renewed Cuban missle crisis type scenario with Venezuela and Russia.

Pre-emptive strike on Iran from Israel.

The media will continue to support BHO until at least halfway through his presidency.

Southern California will be uninhabitable due to greater influx of illegal imigrants and banning of almost all weapons/ammo for law abiding citiens.
Further exodus of a portion of the population into other states.

11-30-2008, 21:30
Agreed with the Gitmo prisoners.

I believe everything that goes wrong for the first year will be blamed on President GWB.

I would concur. He will plead that he hasn't had time to change it, pointing the finger at GWB.

11-30-2008, 23:52
OK. I'll say it. ( And I hope I'm proven wrong) Worst case scenario: Civil War

Soft Target
12-01-2008, 07:38
Race relations will reverse 25 years instantly. The bailout will be further increased to the trillions. Debt will be rampant and the economy will take its biggest hit yet. We havent seen shit.

I have said "50 years" for some time.

12-01-2008, 11:16
The Dow will continue lower. After a fast rally that rips the face off those who shorted it, it will continue the downtrend. Dow 5500 may hold.

The dollar will remain high for a time. Despite inflationary action by the Fed and the Treasury, the U.S. will continue to represent a safe haven for money. Gold will drift higher.

Oil will start going up again to around $100 per bbl, putting gasoline at $3 per gallon.

Taxes will go higher.

Whew! Aafter reading the prior 12 posts, I am ready to crawl in my box of cheerios, and call it a day!

For my tiny .02, am going to concur with nmap, and may those short-sellers lick their deserved wounds, IMVHO.

Besides that, I see blue-stripped tube socks and roller-skates making a huge comeback.:rolleyes:


Conrad Y
12-02-2008, 06:52
OK. I'll say it. ( And I hope I'm proven wrong) Worst case scenario: Civil War

Is this why the govt wants all those 11,000 regulars deployed here on our streets? The Army Times said it was for "Civil Unrest" and "Rioting".

12-02-2008, 12:51
Iceland Link (http://www.iht.com/articles/ap/2008/12/01/europe/EU-Iceland-Meltdown.php)

Iceland had an economic meltdown, and after a rather short period we see riots.

The U.S. has not yet experienced much fallout from the current situation; but the possibility of disorder may exist.

01-19-2010, 20:54
Well.....Barry has been in office for 1 year.

Let's see how we did. ;)


01-19-2010, 22:28
It is interesting that while many of the economically related predictions have come true, the Dims have had to back off of many of the other guesses made a year ago. The political ground was certainly not what they expected.