View Full Version : Looking for Clarification

07-17-2008, 08:34

It's been some time since I last got on here (been working; hope you're well Crip) but I still get my gmail search engines results intermittently. One of which had this: http://www.tallahassee.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080713/NEWS01/807130336

I searched the boards for "Simmons" and couldn't find anything. Granted my search-fu is kinda weak, but still. . . any word on MSG Simmons? I think he may have been one of my cadre while in the course. MFF type. I'm not saying the guy was a student hugger, but you could tell he had a big heart.

RIP MSG Simmons and thank you for your service and your sacrifice.

Stay safe.



The Reaper
07-17-2008, 08:36
Books, I want you to go immediately to the nearest clinic and request a cane and guide dog.


In this forum, four down from this post.


07-18-2008, 08:16
Books, I want you to go immediately to the nearest clinic and request a cane and guide dog.


In this forum, four down from this post.


Roger. Thanks.

It's f_cking worse than I thought. I remember Radmorales from the Delta course. What a loss. RIP men and god speed.