View Full Version : Congressional Coin

02-13-2008, 18:03
Well, there I was...

For the first time in 7 years of service to my country I was presented with a coin... a Congressional Coin... the other day. I was loath to present the fact here, but since it was a monumental issue (for me) I figured, 'what the heck?'.

CSM S. from 61st TF came in with a congressman...God help me remember HIS name...and I was presented with the coin for my continued efforts here at Bucca to improve the EVAC section, daily operations, writing of SOP's, ongoing training for new and online personnel, outstanding medical tx of coalition and detainee casualties and patients, etc.

It's not something I expected in any sense, but it was nice to be recognised for the hard work I've done here, and I must admit, all in all, that my job would be a great deal more difficult if it were not for the outstanding medics with whom I've had the honor of working during this deployment. I feel they share in the reception of the coin as well, and have told them as much.
