View Full Version : Stretches

04-19-2007, 09:14
I am having a problem finding a good stretch for the gluteus medius and gluteus minimus as well as the tensor fasciae latae muscles. After completing my ruck march yesterday these areas were sore (I know its from the working of a muscle group that has not been worked in that way before).
I just can't seem to get a good stretch and am concerned that if I keep pushing then I will cause injury. If there has been a topic on this I apologize but have not been able to find one. I will keep my search going and by the way I have asked google.

Medic out.

04-19-2007, 09:31
Here: http://professionalsoldiers.com/forums/showthread.php?t=9663

04-19-2007, 10:04
If you have access to a balance ball or can find one to purchase, this works well for me:

1. Sit on the edge of a chair with your back straight and cross your legs so that your right ankle is on your left knee.

2. Place the balance ball under your right knee.

3. Press down gently on the interior of your right knee while holding your ankle in place with the other hand.

4. Repeat for the other side and, if needed, do another set leaning forward slightly into the stretch.

Just be careful not to force it. The balance ball provides some stability and resistance, but it is easy to overdo this one. Good luck!:lifter

04-19-2007, 19:47
Kyobanim and jatx thank you both for your replies. Jatx that stretch really worked felt it right away.