View Full Version : BBS pet peaves

06-16-2006, 07:10
I know everyone's got one. What bugs you when you're browsing an internet forum?


Paragraphs, or lack of them. I bet I'm missing a log of good posts simply because the writer didn't use the enter key to create a line break between thoughts. Can't read that and don't even try.

x SF med
06-16-2006, 07:36
Grammar, structure, usage, capitalization... Actually I'll go one step further, fluency, or lack thereof, in one's native tongue. But as Orwell said in Politics and the English Language - "...it is better to break these rules of language than to do anything barbaric to enforce them." Write like you speak, but use the language properly, for the situation. **end rant**

edit: Um, Kyo, "peaves" is actually "peeves", oh, shit, now I'm gonna get banned, correcting a moderator....

Radar Rider
06-16-2006, 07:37
Lack of punctuation, misspelling, and those that type in ALL CAPS.

06-16-2006, 08:20
edit: Um, Kyo, "peaves" is actually "peeves", oh, shit, now I'm gonna get banned, correcting a moderator....

Miss-speeled werds is my midle nam


06-16-2006, 08:30
Politics and the English Language

Underlined words that don't include a link ;)

x SF med
06-16-2006, 08:45
Book titles are underlined, should I use quotes instead?

06-16-2006, 09:07
Grammar, structure, usage, capitalization... Actually I'll go one step further, fluency, or lack thereof, in one's native tongue. But as Orwell said in Politics and the English Language - "...it is better to break these rules of language than to do anything barbaric to enforce them." Write like you speak, but use the language properly, for the situation. **end rant**

edit: Um, Kyo, "peaves" is actually "peeves", oh, shit, now I'm gonna get banned, correcting a moderator....

Technically, it should be "write as you speak." :D

x SF med
06-16-2006, 09:55
AL- true, I stand corrected, 20 given. No excuse for not proofing my own work.

06-16-2006, 10:34
Dial up while on TDY outstide the United States.....like right now.

06-16-2006, 11:43
Titles to threads that don't explain the threads content. You click them open just to find if it's something informative or interesting, and it's just crap.

06-16-2006, 12:16
I know everyone's got one. What bugs you when you're browsing an internet forum?


Paragraphs, or lack of them. I bet I'm missing a log of good posts simply because the writer didn't use the enter key to create a line break between thoughts. Can't read that and don't even try.

This and run on sentences.

06-16-2006, 13:10
Never seen my pet peeve on this forum. That, being the distortion of script to appear like hieroglyphics.

x SF med
06-16-2006, 13:14
Ahhh, yes, the old unrecognized font into ASCII characters routine - very annoying

06-16-2006, 15:28
Posts that are only a link, with no summary given on the contents. Secondarily is a link that does not indicate that it's actually a download.

06-16-2006, 15:37
NTITAI, acronyms.


06-17-2006, 09:31
Lack of line break, and overly long posts. Succinctness is a virtue.

Internet shorthand age appropriate to a teenage board. b4, l8r